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PDF Tags - The Happy Place: Location and Type

The PC Tech

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Helpful Tips

Moving into Location

PDF tags within Adobe Acrobat can be moved and nested using two methods.

Method 1 - Manually selecting and dragging with the mouse.

Method 2 - Manually selecting and using the Cut and Paste option.

Key Tip

When using the Cut and Paste method, be careful to always use the Paste Child option on a Parent tag. Using Paste when on a container tag will replace that container tag with the Pasted tag.

Method 1 - Dragging Tags

  1. Select the tag to be moved in the Tag Tree,

  2. Hold the select, and

  3. Drag the item to the appropriate position in the tree.

Number 1: select the tag to be moved and use the mouse to push into place; Step 2: a line appears showing the location of the movement
A drag line appears where the tag can be placed

Method 2 - Cut and Paste

  1. Select the tag to be moved in the Tag Tree,

  2. Right-click the tag and select cut from the context-sensitive pop-up menu,

  3. Position the mouse on the appropriate place in the Tag Tree by:

  • Selecting the Parent tag that will be above the location where the moved tag will be,

  • Right-click the tag,

  • Select Paste child from the context-sensitive pop-up menu,


  • Replace the container by selecting a container within a Parent tag,

  • Right-click and select Paste from the context-sensitive pop-up menu.

Step 1: Select the tag to move; Step 2: Select Cut; Step 3: select the Parent tag to move to; and Step 4: Select Paste Child
Move Tags by Cut and Paste Child

Changing Type on Multiple Tags At Once

You can change the tag type on several tags at once. For example, if Auto tag has been used on a PDF file and the conversion has placed paragraph text or form fields into Table tag structure, you can:

  1. Move the <TH> and <TD> tags from the <Table> Parent,

  2. Delete the <Table parent tag,

  3. Select all of the <TH> and <TD> tags,

  4. Right-click on the first tag,

  5. Select Properties from the context-sensitive pop-up menu, and

  6. Select Paragraph from the Type drop-down list.


Adobe Help, About the Tags Panel section, describes using Cut/Paste to Move tags:

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