Moving into Location
PDF tags within Adobe Acrobat can be moved and nested using two methods.
Method 1 - Manually selecting and dragging with the mouse.
Method 2 - Manually selecting and using the Cut and Paste option.
Key Tip
When using the Cut and Paste method, be careful to always use the Paste Child option on a Parent tag. Using Paste when on a container tag will replace that container tag with the Pasted tag.
Method 1 - Dragging Tags
Select the tag to be moved in the Tag Tree,
Hold the select, and
Drag the item to the appropriate position in the tree.

Method 2 - Cut and Paste
Select the tag to be moved in the Tag Tree,
Right-click the tag and select cut from the context-sensitive pop-up menu,
Position the mouse on the appropriate place in the Tag Tree by:
Selecting the Parent tag that will be above the location where the moved tag will be,
Right-click the tag,
Select Paste child from the context-sensitive pop-up menu,
Replace the container by selecting a container within a Parent tag,
Right-click and select Paste from the context-sensitive pop-up menu.

Changing Type on Multiple Tags At Once
You can change the tag type on several tags at once. For example, if Auto tag has been used on a PDF file and the conversion has placed paragraph text or form fields into Table tag structure, you can:
Move the <TH> and <TD> tags from the <Table> Parent,
Delete the <Table parent tag,
Select all of the <TH> and <TD> tags,
Right-click on the first tag,
Select Properties from the context-sensitive pop-up menu, and
Select Paragraph from the Type drop-down list.
Adobe Help, About the Tags Panel section, describes using Cut/Paste to Move tags: https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/editing-document-structure-content-tags.html
Adobe Help, TURO Tool, https://www.adobe.com/accessibility/products/acrobat/pdf-repair-repair-tags.html