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The PC Tech

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Digital Accessibility Focus 


Go from Questions to Results

Do you have questions about how to provide comparable experiences to everyone for all your communications:
applications, websites, and documents?

Overwhelmed - woman at desk with stack of paper twice her height behind her; desk with paper failing off and waste basket with paper falling out.
Our resources demonstrate the techniques to obtain compliance with accessibility Laws, Rules, Standards, and Guidelines.

Plan | Prioritize

Spiral staircase symbolizing how to prioritize direction.

Have you heard of "accessibility" but don't know where to start?

Our resources provide the expertise to evaluate options and prioritize actions.

Learn | Apply

Want to sharpen your skills or
provide training to your staff?

Decision process model: (1) Rules and standards describe the desired outcome and are supported by(2) guidelines providing best practices with (3) techniques to implement the guidelines followed by (4) validation processes to ensure the desired outcome has been achieved.  Training supports understanding at each step in the process.
Our resources obtain compliant results.

Evaluate | Model

Software build images on laptop.

Are you a developing a remediation tool for pdfs with flat-design techniques only to receive user feedback asking, "How could you release this? It is not usable! Don't you use your own product?"

Our resources demonstrate what users need
in a remediation product.
Lighthouse at sunset indicating a helpful resource.

We endeavor to make this site accessible to all users.

To contact us about the accessibility of our website, please email using the contact form.
Select the "Contact Us" button below. 

We will answer your request within two business days.

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