Have you been relying on self-taught developers to perform accessibility testing and remediation?
Are you surprised when your Accessibility Analyst provides reports demonstrating areas of non-compliance?
Need recommendations on how to build accessibility into your organization's approach to web design?
Here's how to get up to speed
Training Resources
DEQUE University - The courses here provide detailed examples.
DEQUE Blogs - The information is current and relevant to today's issues.
TPG (formerly The Paciello Group) https://www.paciellogroup.com/products/tpg-tutor/
TPG Tutor - All new courses on how to make accessibility coding work.
Blog - Information-packed articles by industry-recognized professionals
WCAG Guidelines - The source, newly reorganized
W3.org – Tutorials https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials
Tables (always interesting): https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/tables/
WebAIM - https://webaim.org/
Community Learning Opportunities
Linked In
Sign up for Accessibility Discussion Groups
Watch for Accessibility articles
Sign up for the Community Newsletter / set email preference to receive new posts daily.
Don’t try taking the certification tests until after you have taken the training courses.
There is a membership fee but well worth it.
Additional References
W3.org WCAG 2.0 Checklist
DigitalA11Y – Accessibility Cheat Sheets
Helpful Narrative – Signal v. Noise blog
Accessibility Culture
Medium – Accessibility Articles
WeCo Free Accessibility Research Library