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DHS Trusted Tester Courses - Solution to Obtain Standalone Inspect.exe

The PC Tech

Icon for WinSDK_Inspect_exe_x86

The DHS Trusted Tester course includes using the Microsoft Inspect tool.

To obtain this tool, you need to extract the tool from the .NET Framework 4 (ISO).

I found an excellent step-by-step solution on Stack Overflow.


On Stack Overflow, Answered Nov 28 ’11 at 16:42 by Anders

  1. Download the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 (ISO)

  2. Unzip using 7Zip

  • Navigate to, Setup\WinSDKTools

  • Open, (this is just like a .zip file, any archive tool should be able to open it)

  • Locate, WinSDK_Inspect_exe_x86

  • Extract WinSDK_Inspect_exe_x86 to a folder on your computer

  • Add the .exe extension

I should mention that Window Detective does the same thing as Inspect.exe, but does it better, so it's an excellent alternative.

Thank you Anders!

Thank you Stack Overflow

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